27 Jun
27 Jun
2:31 p.m.
Dear Colleagues: We're thrilled about your positive responses to the 1st BCI Un-Conference! If you wish to give a presentation at the un-conference, you can still submit an abstract via https://bciunconference.univie.ac.at/ Because there will be no conference proceedings, we also welcome abstracts that cover already published work! Voting on abstracts commences on Monday, June 29. The BCI-UC Organizing Committee: Moritz Grosse-Wentrup Anja Meunier Philipp Raggam Anita Resch Jiachen Xu -- Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Moritz Grosse-Wentrup Research Group Neuroinformatics Faculty of Computer Science University of Vienna Hörlgasse 6, A-1090 Wien, Austria moritz.grosse-wentrup@univie.ac.at +43-1-4277-79610 http://neural.engineering/