Dear All *ikerbasque, * the Basque Foundation for Science, would like to inform you that they have launched *a new international call* to reinforce research and scientific career in the Basque Country: *20 positions for experienced postdoctoral researchers* *Ikerbasque Research Fellows* - 5-year contracts, during the last year the researcher can be assessed to obtain a permanent contract - An initial moving allowance of up to 4,000 € is provided for international moves. - A start-up funding of 10,000 € is provided for the initial research costs. - PhD degree between Jan 2012-Dec 2020 - A support letter from BCAM is mandatory - Applications from women are especially welcomed - Deadline: March 15th, 2023 at 13:00 CET The procedure for the pre-selection of the BCAM (Basque Center for Applied Mathematics) candidates will be as follows: - *Potential candidates interested in Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience* - Please send email to Serafim Rodrigues <srodrigues@bcamath.org> - Please send before *Feb 14th 2023, * the following information: - *Updated CV* to the Serafim Rodrigues <srodrigues@bcamath.org> and recruitment@bcamath.org - *Two reference letters*. The reference letters shall be submitted directly by the referees to recruitment@bcamath.org - The BCAM Selection Committee will pre-select the candidates and will have an *interview with them *around *Feb 15th – 28th, 2023*. - After that, The BCAM Selection Committee will select the BCAM candidacies in this call by the end of February and will prepare the BCAM support letter for the selected candidates. For further information, please visit *calls.ikerbasque.net* <http://ikerbasque.mailrelay-iv.es/newslink/753570/22.html>*, *or contact us recruitment@bcamath.org -- Serafim Rodrigues Ikerbasque Research Professor Mathematical, Computational and Experimental Neuroscience (MCEN) Group Leader *BCAM - *Basque Center for Applied Mathematics Alameda de Mazarredo, 14 E-48009 Bilbao, Basque Country - Spain Tel. +34 946 567 842 srodrigues@bcamath.org | www.bcamath.org/srodrigues | www.ikerbasque.net/serafim-rodrigues Old Mathematicians never die They just "tend to infinity" -Anonymous *(**matematika mugaz bestalde)*