The AI Department in the Bernoulli Institute for Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence ( at the University of Groningen ( offers three 3-year positions for teaching in general AI, with competitive salaries, in a most welcoming and high-ranked working environment (top-100 university, The application deadline is November 7, 2022. Formal prerequisites are a PhD degree; outstanding holders of a MSc degree will also be considered. Details can be found at - Herbert Jaeger -- Dr. Herbert Jaeger Professor of Computing in Cognitive Materials Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Faculty of Science and Engineering - CogniGron Bernoulliborg Nijenborgh 9, 9747 AG Groningen office: Bernoulliborg 402 phone: +31 (0) 631 921588 COVID home office phone: +49 (0) 4209 930403 web: