We are seeking an exceptional postdoctoral researcher in visual recognition, learning and memory. The position is available immediately, at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore. The project is part of a large multidisciplinary grant (PI: Prof. Tomaso Poggio of MIT) involving multiple universities and research institutions in Singapore (SBIC/CIRC, Duke-NUS Medical School, NUS/NUH, NTU, SINAPSE). The candidate will work on visual recognition, learning and memory algorithms with a strong multidisciplinary team at I2R, and with Prof. Poggio. Collaborators include Prof. Brown Hsieh (Duke-NUS Medical School), Prof. Gabriel Kreiman (Harvard Medical School), Prof. Zhao Qi (National University of Singapore) and Dr. Demis Hassabis (Google/DeepMind). Candidates must have a PhD in computer science, neuroscience, engineering, psychology or related fields. Strong programming and quantitative skills are required. Candidates must be proficient in spoken and written English. Interest in biologically-inspired approaches preferred. The appointment will be for up to 2 years (possibly with extension), with internationally-competitive salaries and benefits. Other benefits include: - Funding for international conferences and training courses - Collaboration opportunities with an excellent network of international scientists - Opportunities for attachments at MIT and the Center for Brains, Minds and Machines (http://cbmm.mit.edu/) Interested candidates should send a CV, statement of research interests and three references to Dr. Cheston Tan (cheston@alum.mit.edu) Position will be open until filled; send applications sooner rather than later if interested. More information: - Dr. Cheston Tan: http://www.mit.edu/~cheston/CV_short.pdf - Dr. Lim Joo-Hwee: http://www.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/profile/dr-lim-joo-hwee - Institute for Infocomm Research: http://www.i2r.a-star.edu.sg/ - Working in Singapore: http://www.contactsingapore.sg/professionals/why_singapore/