The University of California at Davis is making a major expansion in Computational Neuroscience and related fields, with 10+ tenure-track faculty position openings in the next 3 years through clusters of hires in Computational Neuroscience (3 positions), Motor Control & Neural Engineering (2 positions), Network Science (2 positions), and Data Science (4 positions). UC Davis is a top-10 Public Research University (US News & World Report) located in the college-town of Davis, CA, 1 hour from the San Francisco Bay Area and 20 minutes from the state capital of Sacramento. All cluster and position descriptions can be found at the following website http://comphip2017.ucdavis.edu/. The two Computational Neuroscience faculty positions available this year are broadly targeted as described formally below: Assistant Professor - Computational Neuroscience The University of California, Davis invites applications for up to two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in computational neuroscience. Each position will focus on identifying general principles of brain function; and/or on modeling and methods at the molecular, cellular, circuit, and/or systems levels that connect to data obtained from different experimental techniques. This is part of a 3-year initiative to hire 10+ new faculty across multiple departments who focus on advanced computational theory and methods, including clusters of hires in computational neuroscience, network science, and data science (see http://comphip2017.ucdavis.edu). QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. (or equivalent degree) in mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering, physics, psychology, neuroscience, or related field; a demonstrated record of teaching, or evidence of the potential to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the academic department or departments; a record of attracting, or the potential to attract, extramural funding; and excellent potential for interactions/collaborations. APPLICATION PROCESS: The position will remain open until filled. To ensure full consideration, completed applications should be received by November 20, 2017. Applications received after this date will be reviewed by the search committee if the position has not yet been filled. Qualified applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statements of research and teaching interests, representative reprints and/or preprints, a statement of contributions to diversity, and at least three letters of recommendation electronically. The cover letter should indicate which of Neurobiology, Physiology, and Behavior; Computer Science; Statistics; Mathematics; or Physics would be the most appropriate academic departments. For more information, contact Prof. Mark Goldman (msgoldman@ucdavis.edu<mailto:msgoldman@ucdavis.edu>). For technical questions please contact Susan Sainz (swsainz@ucdavis.edu). Apply at UC Recruit: https://recruit.ucdavis.edu/apply/JPF01722