2-year 100% postdoc position in social neuroscience at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU) Würzburg, Germany The Translational Social Neuroscience Unit offers a position as a postdoctoral researcher (m/f/x) starting as soon as possible. We study the psychological and neurobiological processes underlying social interactions and decisions. In current studies, we investigate drivers of human social behavior such as empathy, social norms, group membership, and egoism, as well as the social modulation of anxiety and pain processing. We use neuroscientific methods (functional magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalography) and psychophysiological measures (heart rate, skin conductance), combined with experimental paradigms from cognitive and social psychology and simulations of social interactions in virtual reality. Using smartphone-based surveys and mobile physiological sensors, we study social interactions in everyday life. As part of the Center of Mental Health and the Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic and Psychotherapy, we have access to 3T and 7T fMRI research scanners, TMS, EEG, a Virtual-Reality-Labor (CAVE), and to patients with different psychiatric conditions. We cherish a good working atmosphere and work as a team, but you will also be encouraged to develop and strengthen your own research profile. We seek a candidate with a background in psychology, social neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience or cognitive science with a successfully completed PhD. Ideally; you should have experiences with computational modeling (e.g., reinforcement learning models) and the respective software (e.g. MATLAB/ R programming). Experience with the collection and analysis of empirical date (ideally including neuroscience data) and excellent language skills in English and preferably also in German are required. The research topics are subject to the fits between the candidate’s research interests, expertise, and ongoing projects in the research group, particularly the DFG-funded research project on learning and intergroup processes. Based on personal qualification, employees are remunerated according to salary group E 13 TV-L. The position is initially limited until September 30, 2025 with the option for extension. Please contact Grit Hein (Hein_G@ukw.de<mailto:Hein_G@ukw.de>) for questions about the position. The University of Würzburg is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer. Individuals with disabilities will be given priority, assuming equal qualifications, and are thus encouraged to apply. The University of Würzburg seeks to increase the number of women in those areas where they are underrepresented and therefore also explicitly encourages women to apply. Please send your applications including a motivation letter, research interests, CV (including publications if applicable), degree certificates and names of 2 referees by October 20th 2023 as a single PDF file to Prof. Dr. Grit Hein (Hein_G@ukw.de<mailto:Hein_G@ukw.de>) with [postdoc TransSocNeuro] in the subject line. Bitte beachten Sie die Hinweise des Universitätsklinikums Würzburg zu Datenschutz<https://www.ukw.de/recht/datenschutz/>, Vertraulichkeit<https://www.ukw.de/recht/vertraulichkeit/> und Nachhaltigkeit<https://www.ukw.de/klinikumsleitung-und-verwaltung/stabsstelle-nachhaltigkeit/startseite/>!