Dear Colleagues, Sorry for cross-posting this CFP. Bentham Science is calling for a special issue: AI/Neuroengineering for biomedical applications: monitoring, signal processing, disease identification and diagnostic aspects . This special issue on “AI/Neuroengineering for biomedical applications: monitoring, signal processing, disease identification and diagnosis aspects” aims to overview the state of knowledge and applicability of current studies, and new proposed ideas in the form of original research articles and review papers that include, but are not limited to: • Mathematical and statistical methods in modelling single neuron and circuit functions • Biological cybernetics, medical image and signal processing, cascade models for intelligent devices. • Artificial intelligence for biomedical signal and image processing and disease diagnosis • Computational neuroscience and computational cognitive science • Biomedical instrumentation: intelligent methods for software and hardware • Human machine interfaces • Neural rehabilitation engineering • Machine learning, machine learning in conventional and big data models, algorithms, case studies and role of data in biomedicine • Mobile and wearable computing in biomedical engineering • Emerging biomedical technologies Manuscript deadline: July 15, 2015 See http://benthamscience.com/journal-files/special-issue-details/NBE-SII2015022... http://benthamscience.com/journal/index.php?journalID=nbe#top Lead guest editor: Eldon Rene (e.raj@unesco-ihe.org) Thank you. Best regards, shyam -- Prof. Shyam Diwakar, Ph.D. Computational Neuroscience Lab, Amrita School of Biotechnology Faculty Fellow - Amrita Center for International Programs Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Amrita University) Amritapuri, Clappana P.O. Kollam, India. Pin: 690525 Ph:+91-476-2803116 Fax:+91-476-2899722 http://www.amrita.edu/compneuro