Summerschool: Neurocomputational Models of Speech Processing 14th to 18th September 2015 Topic: Constructing a Neurocomputational Model of Speech Processing Date: 14th to 18th of September 2015 Location: RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Costs: Accommodation at RWTH Aachen University Guest House or A&O-Hostel or other hotel in Aachen city: round about 80€ (Single or Double) per day; Food round about 30€ per day. Workshop is free. Accommodation and food will be arranged by Bernd J. Kröger www.SpeechTrainer.eu. Please contact bkroeger@ukaachen.de Next airport to Aachen, Germany: Duesseldorf International Airport, Germany Planned schedule: 1st day: 9-12am: Lecture (Bernd J. Kröger www.SpeechTrainer.eu<http://www.SpeechTrainer.eu>): Introduction to Neurocomputational Models of Speech Production including learning szenarios occurring in speech acquisition. Afternoon 2-5pm: Discussion and computer exercises in NENGO www.nengo.ca<http://www.nengo.ca> or Neural Processing Toolboxes of your choice 2nd day: 9-12am: Lecture (Bernd J. Kröger www.SpeechTrainer.eu<http://www.SpeechTrainer.eu>: Introduction to Neurocomputational Models of Speech Perception and Comprehension Afternoon 2-5pm: Discussion and Computer exercises in NENGO www.nengo.ca<http://www.nengo.ca> or Neural Processing Toolboxes of your choice 3rd day: 9-12am: Lecture (Bernd J. Kröger www.SpeechTrainer.eu<http://www.SpeechTrainer.eu>): Introduction to a physiological and acoustic model of speech production ( www.VocalTractLab.de<http://www.VocalTractLab.de> ) Afternoon 2-5pm: How to integrate VocalTractLab into an Neurocomputational Model of Speech Processing 4th and 5th day: 9am-5pm: Programming exercises and introduction to available speech data bases Please contact: Prof. Dr. Bernd J. Kröger Department of Phoniatrics, Pedaudiology, and Communication Disorders Medical School, RWTH Aachen University, Pauwelsstraße 30, D-52074 Aachen, Germany Email: bernd.kroeger@rwth-aachen.de Homepage: www.speechtrainer.eu<http://www.speechtrainer.eu>