Two postdoc positions are available in the laboratory of Zhongzheng Fu in the Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. We study the neural mechanisms of cognitive control using mathematical modeling and human neurophysiology. We have several ongoing projects in the lab that include probing the network activity underlying cognitive control, the neuronal mechanisms for metacognition in decision making and artificial cognitive control. We aim to develop novel approaches to restore cognitive control in various psychiatric/neurological conditions, develop efficient brain-computer interface and ultimately enhance cognitive control in healthy individuals. Applicants who are intellectually curious and passionate about tackling challenging neuroscience problems using a combination of approaches (behavioral modelling, machine learning, intracranial recordings, neuromodulation, EEG/MEG) are encouraged to apply. Postdoctoral scientist in the lab will conduct cutting-edge research in a protected, interactive, highly collaborative, and well-funded environment, with access to state-of-the-art platforms such as intracranial recordings in various patient populations, EEG/MEG, high-performance computing sources. Qualifications for this position include Ph.D. or M.D. degree(s). Applicants who have excellent coding skills (python, MATLAB, R) and a strong background in statistics, machine learning, deep learning and signal processing are particularly encouraged to apply. Interested applicants should submit the following documents to Zhongzheng.Fu AT UTSouthwestern.edu 1. A Cover Letter describing your interest in this position. 2. A CV listing your education, training background, publications, awards, and skill sets. 3. Contact information for references For more information, please visit our lab website at https://zfu-lab.org. Zhongzheng Fu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Neurological Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center ________________________________ UT Southwestern Medical Center The future of medicine, today.