BEYOND THE FRONTIERS OF ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS, 450pp , 25 color plates Pre-order your copy now ! http://www.amazon.com/Biophysics-Consciousness-A-Foundational-Approach/dp/98... The problem of how the brain produces consciousness, subjectivity and "something it is like to be" remains one of the greatest challenges to a complete science of the natural world. While various scientists and philosophers approach the problem from their own unique perspectives and in the terms of their own respective fields, Biophysics of Consciousness: A Foundational Approach attempts a consilience across disparate disciplines to explain how it is possible that an objective brain produces subjective experience. This volume unites the crème de la crème of physicists, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists in the attempt to understand consciousness through a foundational approach encompassing ontological, evolutionary, neurobiological, and Freudian interpretations with the focus on conscious phenomena occurring in the brain. By integrating the perspectives of these diverse disciplines with the latest research and theories on the biophysics of the brain, the book tries to explain how consciousness can be an adaptive and causal element in the natural world. Contents: •Preface •Foreword (Searle) •List of Contributors •Neurobiological Naturalism (Feinberg and Mallatt) •The Evolutionary Origins of Consciousness (Feinberg and Mallatt) •How Language Evolution Reshaped Human Consciousness (Arbib) •Consciousness by Surprise: A Neuropsychoanalytic Approach to the Hard Problem (Solms) •Can Qualitative Biophysics Solve the Hard Problem? (Pereira Jr. et al.) •The Causal Roots of Mental and Neural Integration (Manzotti and Chella) •The Two-Brains Hypothesis: Implications for Consciousness (Bercovich et al.) •On the Brain's Electromagnetic Field System as the Origin of Consciousness (Hales) •The Neurophenomenology of Consciousness (Poznanski et al.) •The Holoinformational Foundations of Consciousness (Di Biase) •Neural Transition Dynamics and Conscious Perceptive States (Bernroider) •The 'Quantum Underground': Where Life and Consciousness Originate (Craddock et al.) •Quantum Spin Formalism on Consciousness (Hu and Wu) •Consciousness in the Universe — A Review of the Orch OR Theory (Hameroff and Penrose) •Index Readership: Researchers in neuroscience, cognitive science, psychology, biophysics and quantum physics investigating conscious phenomena occurring in the brain ------- Roman R. Poznanski Professor Laboratory of Biological Modeling The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue New York, NY 10065-6399 Office: (212) 327-7646 E-mail: rpoznanski@rockefeller.edu http://romanpoznanski.blogspot.com and Chief-Editor, Journal of Integrative Neuroscience http://www.worldscinet.com/jin/mkt/editorial.shtml