Hi, We are looking for a PhD candidate (or junior postdoc) combining data science/AI, wearable EEG technology, and big sleep data at the Donders Institute in Nijmegen, NL. The project will focus on (i) developing a database for large datasets of neurophysiological sleep recordings together with multimodal analysis strategies/pipelines, and (ii) integration/fusion of neurophysiological data from different sensors with non-physiological data and annotations. The position will be integrated into the highly collaborative and interdisciplinary European Marie Curie Network "Lullabyte", working on the intersection of computer science, sleep research, and musicology; and the Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, working on the cognitive neuroscience of sleep and dreaming. Starting data is somewhat flexible within 2023, further info: https://dreslerlab.org/lullabyte Cheers, Martin -- Donders Sleep & Memory Lab, Radboud University Medical Center Kapittelweg 29, 6525 EN Nijmegen, Netherlands https://dreslerlab.org