Dear all, The Center for Computational Neuroscience at the Flatiron Institute of the Simons Foundation will be offering our fully-funded summer internships once again in 2024. More details are included below and on the application page <https://apply.interfolio.com/137388>, and applications are due by February 2, 2024. Please feel welcome to share widely and contact me with any questions. *Summer Interns (Undergraduate, Graduate, and Pre-Doctoral)* *ORGANIZATIONAL OVERVIEW* The Center for Computational Neuroscience (CCN) aims to develop theories, models, and computational methods that deepen our knowledge of brain function — both in health and in disease. CCN takes a “systems" neuroscience approach, building models that are motivated by fundamental principles, that are constrained by properties of neural circuits and responses, and that provide insights into perception, cognition and behavior. This cross-disciplinary approach not only leads to the design of new model-driven scientific experiments, but also encapsulates current functional descriptions of the brain that can spur the development of new engineered computational systems, especially in the realm of machine learning. CCN is one of five centers that make up the Flatiron Institute, an internal scientific unit of the Simons Foundation, focused on computational aspects of a wide range of basic science. The general mission of the Flatiron Institute is to advance scientific research through computational methods, including theory, modeling, simulation and data analysis. CCN’s core research groups include computational vision <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/center-for-computational-neuroscie...> (Eero Simoncelli <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/people/eero-p-simoncelli/>, PI), neural circuits and algorithms <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/center-for-computational-neuroscie...> (Dmitri ‘Mitya’ Chklovskii <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/people/dmitri-mitya-chklovskii/>, PI), neuroAI and geometric data analysis <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/center-for-computational-neuroscie...> (SueYeon Chung <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/people/sueyeon-chung/>, PI), statistical analysis of neural data <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/center-for-computational-neuroscie...> (Alex Williams <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/people/alex-williams/>, PI). Candidates must select a primary group for their application, and can optionally indicate a secondary group. Candidates specifically interested in contributing to open source software projects at CCN should indicate the NeuroRSE group <https://neurorse.flatironinstitute.org/events/2023/11/17/summer-2024-interns...> as their secondary group. *POSITION SUMMARY * CCN invites applications for paid summer internship positions by motivated students in computational neuroscience, physics, electrical engineering, machine learning, computer science or related fields. The purpose of this Summer Internship Program is to allow students studying in a relevant field the opportunity to be employed at the CCN for the purpose of collaborating on a research project with one or more CCN staff mentors. Knowledge of neuroscience is helpful but not required. Interested applicants should review the research group pages listed above, and should describe in their research statement the project on which they'd like to collaborate and the research group(s) with whom they’d like to work. Undergraduate students will be appointed with the title of Summer Research Assistant, graduate students will be appointed with the title of Summer Research Associates, and advanced doctoral students (defined as doctoral students who have passed comprehensive/qualifying exams and are actively working on their thesis) will be appointed as Summer Predoctoral Scholars. CCN Summer Interns are invited to participate as full members of the CCN and Flatiron communities during their term of residency. CCN Summer Interns are assigned a primary mentor and research group within the center, are invited to attend and present within their research group’s meetings, and are also invited to participate in meetings of CCN’s other research groups as well as center- and Flatiron-wide activities such as guest lectures, training on use of the Institute’s robust scientific computing resources, and intern social activities. Finally, Summer Interns will be invited to present their work at an Institute-wide symposium held at the end of the residency period. The CCN Summer Internship Program will take place in-person at the Simons Foundation’s offices in New York City. CCN will provide eligible Summer Interns roundtrip travel to New York City and subsidized housing for the duration of their employment. Intern appointment titles and compensation will be determined based on the intern’s education level and experience. Visit the Summer at Simons page <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/summer-at-simons/>to learn more. *ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS/RESPONSIBILITIES* ● Reporting to the assigned mentor in the CCN, the projects will involve analysis of neuroscience data and modeling networks, applying the skills of analytical calculations and computer programming ● Perform any other duties or tasks as assigned or required *MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS* *Education:* ● Candidates should be enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree program in computational neuroscience, electrical engineering, physics, computer science or related fields. ● Candidates must have permission to participate in the program from their dissertation advisor/PI (CCN PIs will be in touch with advisors directly to confirm). *Experience:* ● Experience with research projects in electrical engineering, computer science physics or related fields is helpful. *Related Skills & Other Requirements:* ● The successful applicant should have experience with programming in Matlab, Python, or C ● The applicant should have satisfactorily completed Cal III and Linear Algebra (NeuroRSE applicants are exempt from this requirement) ● The applicant should have experience with basic optimization and machine learning techniques (Helpful but not required for NeuroRSE candidates) ● Elementary knowledge of neuroscience is helpful *Summer Internship Program and Deadlines* ● Summer Internship Period: May 28 to August 9, 2024 ● Deadline to apply: February 2, 2024 Decisions will be made on a rolling basis through Friday, March 15, 2024. *REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS* ● Curriculum vitae with bibliography; ● Research statement of no more than two pages describing the candidate’s past research experience, the research project on which the candidate would like to work, and the CCN research group(s) with whom the candidate would like to collaborate. *COMPENSATION* ● Interns at the Research Assistant (undergraduate) level will earn $20.00 per hour ● Interns at the Research Associate (graduate) level will earn $25.00 per hour ● Interns at the Predoctoral Researcher (advanced doctoral students) will earn $28.85 per hour. *THE SIMONS FOUNDATION'S DIVERSITY COMMITMENT* Many of the greatest ideas and discoveries come from a diverse mix of minds, backgrounds and experiences, and we are committed to cultivating an inclusive work environment. The Simons Foundation actively seeks a diverse applicant pool and encourages candidates of all backgrounds to apply. We provide equal opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, religion, color, age, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic disposition, neurodiversity, disability, veteran status or any other protected category under federal, state and local law. To apply, please visit: https://apply.interfolio.com/137388 Cordially, MATTHEW B. TURNER any pronouns Senior Manager for Center Administration | Center for Computational Neuroscience Co-Chair, Flatiron Institute Professional Development Committee Flatiron Institute 917.363.1095 mobile mturner@flatironinstitute.org 162 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010 simonsfoundation.org/flatiron <https://www.simonsfoundation.org/flatiron/>