Post-doc (or PhD student) in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience - What is the role of the cortical layers? A post-doc (or PhD student) position is available to study computational models about the roles of the different layers of the cerebral cortex in the Vision & Cognition group (head Pieter Roelfsema) at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience in Amsterdam. What roles do the different cortical layers play in visual processing? This project, funded by the Human Brain Project, aims to build computational models for the unique contributions of the different cortical layers to perceptual processing. We recently discovered that the cortical layers have different roles in visual perception (Self et al., Curr. Biol, 2013). We now wish to understand this subdivision of labor by making models of the layers and the interactions between them that take place in the visual cortex during perception. The candidate will have close interactions with researchers addressing laminar processing with high-field fMRI. The successful applicant will have a solid computational background and an interest in cognitive neuroscience, preferably affinity with neuroimaging, and good programming skills. Appointment: The position involves a temporary appointment for 2-4 years. To apply, please send application letter, CV and two letters of recommendation to: Tini Eikelboom The Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience Meibergdreef 47 1105 BA Amsterdam, The Netherlands Telephone: +31-20-5664587 E-mail: t.eikelboom@nin.knaw.nl<mailto:t.eikelboom@nin.knaw.nl>