Prof. Sen Cheng, Institute for Neural Computation at the *Ruhr University Bochum* in Germany, invites applicants for an International Student Fellowship to be awarded through the international research training group “Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes” (SFB 874). After successful completion of this 4 month fellowship, the student might be offered a PhD position for a further 3 years. The work will focus on studying the interaction between neocortex and hippocampus using spiking neural network models. The position is part of the project "Theory of the interplay between sensory cortices and hippocampus in memory formation and retrieval", which is funded by the German Research Foundation as part of the collaborative research center SFB 874. The appointment will be initially from 01.03.2019-30.06.2019. Candidates should have an excellent university degree in neuroscience, physics, mathematics, engineering or a related field and be eligible to enroll in a relevant PhD program at the Ruhr University. Competence in mathematical modeling and excellent programming skillsare mandatory. Familiarity with computational neuroscience or computational cognitive modeling would be a further asset. Only candidates who have not previously lived in Germany will be considered. For further information regarding the IRTG fellowship please visit https://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/sfb874/integrated_research_training_group/fel... The Ruhr University Bochum is home to a vibrant research community in neuroscience and cognitive science. The Institute for Neural Computation is an independent research unit and combines different areas of expertise ranging from experimental and theoretical neuroscience to machine learning and robotics. For further information see www.rub.de/cns <http://www.rub.de/cns>. To apply please send a statement of your motivation and research interests, academic transcripts, and a complete CV to samarasinghe@ini.rub.de <mailto:samarasinghe@ini.rub.de> in a single PDF file. Please, also request from at least two academic referees that they send letters of reference directly to the same email address. The deadline for applications is 15.01.2019. The Ruhr University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity. We strongly encourage applications from qualified women and persons with disabilities. -- Vinita Samarasinghe M.Sc., M.A. Science Manager Arbeitsgruppe Computational Neuroscience Institut für Neuroinformatik Ruhr-Universität Bochum, NB 3/26 Universitätstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum Tel: +49 (0)234 32 27316 Email: samarasinghe@ini.rub.de Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-11