Dear Neuroscience Community, we like to invite you to join us for this year's *Sense 2 Synapse *which will be held on Saturday, *April 8th, 2017* in the Carson Family Auditorium at *The Rockefeller University, New York City *! The conference is an annual event for scientists working on the biology of sensory transduction, subsequent neural processing and perception. With *Larry Abbott *(Columbia University), *Nicole Rust* (University of Pennsylvania),****Sarah Woolley**(Columbia University) and*Gaby Maimon* (The Rockefeller University) we have a great list of key-note speakers, which will be complemented by talks selected from abstract submissions and a poster session. More information found on our website: *http://sense2synapse.com/ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__sense2synapse.com_&d=DwM...> * and you can register here: *http://www.sense2synapse.com/registrationForm <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.sense2synapse.com_registrationForm&d=DwMFaQ&c=JeTkUgVztGMmhKYjxsy2rfoWYibK1YmxXez1G3oNStg&r=MdypJ2vptENYGel25urx_CfG37Juoxy5QRTt9IvoydU&m=UecZTeDjxCVaW4szXXgrF-mw95Rq1C2wGoQJ3yLBrLI&s=Y9A7OlZAM1Xd_lCXBFBpcwZZzWkFuOeCYbsJDx-jaDQ&e=>* Join us for a great day of science, discussions and nice food ! The organizing team Christoph Kirst Florian Berger Jeremie Barral Gonzalo Otazu Nicolas Renier -- Christoph Kirst Fellow for Physics and Biology Center for Theoretical Studies and Kavli Physics Fellow Kavli Neural Systems Institute The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue, New York, NY 10065 USA +1 212 327 7561 :: ckirst@rockefeller.edu