Dear comp-neuro subscriber, I am glad to announce that the comp-neuro mailing list has moved to a new home. This was necessary because the previous set-up became increasingly hard to maintain since I left the University of Antwerp. As a consequence it became difficult for aspirant members to subscribe and mails were sometimes delayed. The mailing list has now moved to a cloud based home and runs a more recent version of the software. I expect this will provide a stable solution with a better service. Appropriately, it is now managed by the Organization for Computational Neurosciences. Please encourage your colleagues, collaborators, students, etc who are not member yet to subscribe to comp-neuro, now that the website works again. From now on please use: - Email to post to mailing list: comp-neuro@lists.cnsorg.org - Email to contact admin/moderators: comp-neuro-owner@lists.cnsorg.org - Webpage of mailing list (to subscribe / unsubscribe / view archives): https://www.cnsorg.org/comp-neuro-mailing-list Erik De Schutter Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology