*PhD top-ups and full scholarships in Computational Neuroscience of Alertness* Multiple PhD opportunities are available at the University of Sydney node of the Cooperative Research Centre for Alertness, Safety, and Productivity. *Supervisors: *Dr Svetlana Postnova, Dr Jong Won Kim*, *Prof. Peter Robinson. For the group website see http://sydney.edu.au/science/physics/research/complex-systems/brain-dynamics... *Projects* We focus on understanding the biological system controlling alertness and on developing quantitative models and tools to predict alertness in variety of situations and develop interventions to improve it. All projects involve quantitative modelling on the level of interacting brain nuclei and neurotransmitter systems with the effects manifested on the behavioural level. Project 1: Effects of light wavelength on the circadian system and alertness. Project 2: Individual variability in sleep-wake dynamics and vulnerability to shiftwork. Project 3: Real-time prediction of alertness using data fusion and modelling techniques. These opportunities are affiliated with the Cooperative Research Centre for Alertness Safety and Productivity which involves modellers, experimentalists, and industry partners from universities and industries across Australia and worldwide. Successful candidates will be located at the School of Physics of the University of Sydney and collaborating with sleep and chronobiology experimentalists across the University of Sydney, Monash University, and Harvard. All PhD projects provide an opportunity for up to 6 months placements with industrial partners. *Process and deadlines* For questions and to apply send an e-mail with CV to Dr Svetlana Postnova ( postnova@physics.usyd.edu.au). Full stipends ($25,392) from the Alertness CRC Ltd are available. High achieving applicants will be encouraged to apply for the prestigious APA/UPA (Australian) or IPRS/USYDIS (international) postgraduate scholarships. Successful candidates will be provided with additional top-up scholarships of $5000-$10.000 per year depending on merit. Applications for Alertness CRC Ltd stipends will be considered until the positions are filled. Applications for APA/UPA national scholarships close on the *31st of October 2014* to start in January 2015*. * http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/research/postgraduate_awards.shtml#APAUPA Applications for IPRS/USYDIS international scholarships close on the *15th of December 2014 * to start in July 2015*.* http://sydney.edu.au/scholarships/prospective/international_postgraduate_sch... Best wishes Sveta -- Dr Svetlana Postnova CRC for Alertness Safety and Productivity & Complex Systems Group School of Physics, University of Sydney Physics Annex, A29, NSW 2006, Australia Phone: +61 2 9036 7971