The Computational Neurophysics Lab at the University of Calgary ( www.soterolab.com), headed by Dr. Roberto C. Sotero, is looking for a talented postdoctoral fellow, interested in working in the field of computational neuroscience, specifically modeling and identifying brain networks from EEG and fMRI data, and developing model-based control methods to steer these networks from their pathological dynamics towards healthy dynamics. As an example, see our recent paper: http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.100613... The perfect candidate has a strong mathematical, physical, or engineering background (or equivalent), programming skills, and a keen interest in biological and neural systems. A PhD in the field of computational neuroscience is a plus. Applications including a CV, the statement of research interests, and the names and contact information of two references should be sent to roberto.soterodiaz@ucalgary.ca. Applications will be assessed as they arrive, and the position will remain open until filled. Salary will be based on University of Calgary post-doctoral rates and commensurate with experience. Best regards, Roberto C. Sotero, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Radiology Hotchkiss Brain Institute University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada www.soterolab.com roberto.soterodiaz@ucalgary.ca