Neuroinformatics is currently soliciting submissions for a special issue called "Building the NeuroCommons - research and commentary on how neuroscience is becoming open and FAIR". Submissions due *July 31 2020*. As neuroscience increasingly defines and adopts FAIR, the act of publishing in neuroscience will not only serve to communicate new research but drive the population of a robust, more data- and resource-driven ecosystem - the NeuroCommons - on which to build further findings. This special, open-access, issue of Neuroinformatics is dedicated to building the NeuroCommons and will include articles that embody the principles of open and FAIR neuroscience: - FAIRification of neuroscience data, tools and other research objects: What does it take to move neuroscience closer to the ideal of FAIR? - Using public data to drive discovery science - Research infrastructure for neuroscience and how it supports open and FAIR neuroscience - Standards-based neuroscience. When and where have standards been effective? What have we learned about creating standards and gaining adoption? Where are they lacking? - Perspectives and commentary on the concept of the NeuroCommons, e.g., what will it take for neuroscience to become a data-driven discipline based on pools of open research data? What are challenges and opportunities? Where have there been successes? More information and submission at All the best Helena ----------------------------- Helena Ledmyr, PhD *Director* *Development and Communications* International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility Secretariat Karolinska Institutet. Nobels väg 15A, SE-171 77 Stockholm. Sweden Email: Phone: +46 8 524 870 35