Dear members, I would like to bring to your attention a newly available manuscript that dives into the mind-body problem using the approaches of cybernetics. The proposed theory describes the interaction between neurons, plasticity, genetics, and other biological phenomena in terms of feedback loops closed with the environment. This effort has a wonderful result: One can identify a missing component of today's brain theories--a component that is the "missing link" for explaining how mental phenomena emerge from physical events, and which is a result that could not be obtained with the classical "representational" approach. Those who intend to take a look at the manuscript, be prepare to think about neuronal activity differently than you are used to. You will need to make mental images of closed feedback loops, systems permeable to their environments at all levels of their organization, and components controlling properties of other components. You will also need to exercise the thoughts of certain components located low on the hierarchy, such as genes, induce cybernetic knowledge of other components located higher on the hierarchy, such as the sensory-motor loops. The manuscript provides a general theory of what it takes for such adaptive systems to achieve biological-like intelligent behavior. The paper is available at arXiv.org <http://arXiv.org> but it can also be downloaded from my website: http://www.danko-nikolic.com/practopoiesis/ Also, the manuscript has began its search for a home in a journal. (It will need some luck, so you may well wish it a good luck.) Suggestions for improvements and feedback are most welcome. With warm greetings from Germany, Danko -- Danko Nikolic, Ph.D. Web: http://www.danko-nikolic.com Mail address 1: Department of Neurophysiology Max Planck Institut for Brain Research Deutschordenstr. 46 60528 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY Mail address 2: Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies Wolfgang Goethe University Ruth-Moufang-Str. 1 60433 Frankfurt am Main GERMANY ---------------------------- Office: (..49-69) 96769-736 Lab: (..49-69) 96769-209 Fax: (..49-69) 96769-327 danko.nikolic@gmail.com ----------------------------