---------------------------------------------------------------------- From Maps to Circuits: Models and Mechanisms for Generating Neural Connections http://maps2015.org 7-9 December 2015 Strasbourg, France Understanding the development of the nervous system is a key challenge that has been approached by both experimental and theoretical neuroscientists. In recent years there has been a gradual move towards the two groups working more with each other. The idea of this workshop is to bring key people together who have shown an interest at combining theoretical and experimental techniques to discuss current problems in neuronal development, and plan future collaborative efforts. Time at the end of each day will be devoted to a group discussion about questions that have been raised during the day to identify possible research directions and people willing to pursue them. This meeting follows on from our first meeting on this theme held in Edinburgh, July 2014 (details at http://maps2014.org); a special issue of Developmental Neurobiology was devoted to papers related to work presented at this meeting, see http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/dneu.v75.6/issuetoc Confirmed speakers Jianhua Cang (Northwestern University) Claudia Clopath (Imperial College London), Robert Datta (Harvard Medical School) Stephen Eglen (University of Cambridge) Marla Feller (University California Berkeley) Patricia Gaspar (École des Neurosciences de Paris) David Holcman (École Normale Supérieure Paris) Andrew Huberman (University California San Diego) Siegrid Löwel (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) Christian Lohmann (Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience) Till Marquardt (European Neuroscience Institute, Göttingen) Filippo Rijli (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel) Jennifer Rodger (University of Western Australia) Charles Stevens (Salk Institute) ----------------------------------------------------------------------