Dear colleagues, please share with your peers, students and whoever may be interested. We would like to invite you to the forthcoming ICAM-I2CAM <http://icam-i2cam.org/> Symposium on "*Mathematical and computational approaches to the 'Big Data' challenge in neuron-glia interactions*" hold in Edinburgh, UK on *July 9, 2017* during the XIII Euroglia meeting <http://www.glia2017.eu/?s=welcome>. The aim of the symposium is to bridge between experiments and modeling studies in in quantitative research on glia. The symposium hosts a panel of four internationally renowned scientists with multidisciplinary expertise in physics, engineering, quantitative biology and statistics, whose shared research interests are in developing computational approaches to study different types of glia: oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and microglia. The four speakers will discuss some of the latest findings of current quantitative research on neuron-glia interactions, providing a concise, mind-provoking overview of the open challenges in the field. ------------------------------------- Symposium program <http://www.glia2017.eu/?s=meeting-schedule> ------------------------------------- David Attwell (University College London, UK) Tuning of axonal conduction speed by myelinated axon morphology Maurizio De Pittà (The University of Chicago, USA) Conditions for the observation of regulation of synaptic transmission by gliotransmitters Elena Galea (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain) Spatial analysis of astrocytes in health and in Alzheimer’s disease Levi Wood (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) Multivariate regression profiling of cytokines in Alzheimer´s disease ------------------------------------- Symposium details ------------------------------------- ICAM-I2CAM Symposium on "*Mathematical and computational approaches to the 'Big Data' challenge in neuron-glia interactions*", Kilsyth Room, International Conference Center, Edinburgh, UK, July 9, 2017, 10am-12pm. ------------------------------------- The Institute for Complex and Adaptive Matter (ICAM-I2CAM <http://icam-i2cam.org/index.php/about>) is a trans-academic International Research Institute with a rich research agenda focusing on the study of matter to understand emergent behaviors. ICAM-I2CAM is constituted of 70+ universities worldwide and offers interesting founding opportunities to its members for Educational and Research programs as well as for the organization of scientific events. To find out more, please visit ICAM-I2CAM homepage <http://icam-i2cam.org/index.php>. ----- Maurizio De Pitta' https://sites.google.com/site/mauriziodepitta/home