Postdoctoral Research Position in Cognitive Neuroscience Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee The Sensory Neuroscience, Attention, & Perception Laboratory (SNAP Lab) of Dr. Adam Greenberg is recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to begin late Summer/early Fall 2017 (flexible start date). We study the neural mechanisms of attention and perception in humans using a large range of cognitive neuroscience tools including neuroimaging (fMRI, diffusion imaging), TMS, computational modeling, and neuropsychological methods. Please find additional laboratory details at http://snaplaboratory.com. This fully funded position was created to coincide with multiple grant-funded studies of visual/auditory attention in both normal volunteers and cancer patients. Thus, a wide range of specific projects are possible along with the possibility of writing manuscripts on existing data. New project development is also strongly encouraged. Successful candidates will have a PhD in a relevant field (e.g., Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, Biomedical Engineering, etc.), should be highly motivated, and able to work both independently and as part of a team. Experience with TMS is especially desirable, as is a strong background in attention and perception. Experience with other techniques used in the lab are welcome but not required. Proficiency in programming/scripting (e.g., MATLAB, Linux shells) is necessary. Initial appointment will be full-time for one year, with renewal contingent upon productivity. UW-Milwaukee is an R1 (Carnegie Classification) public, urban research university. Neuroscience faculty in the department cover a large range of research including the neurobiology of learning & memory, aging, addiction, sleep, emotion, and of course attention and perception. The program has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, particularly in cognitive neuroscience, and is an integral part of a large neuroscience community in the Milwaukee area. Milwaukee is a vibrant, affordable city on the shores of Lake Michigan (90 miles from Chicago) with a high quality of life and a thriving urban culture, food, arts, & music scene. An award-winning network of parks and biking/hiking trails allow for plentiful outdoor activities during all seasons. Applications should be addressed to Adam Greenberg (by email to SNAPLab-Postdoc@uwm.edu<mailto:snaplab-postdoc@uwm.edu>) including (1) a statement of research interests that discusses your fit with the lab, (2) a current CV, and (3) the names/emails of three references. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. P.S. I will be at the VSS conference in Florida in late May. If you'd like to meet face-to-face to discuss this position, please email me. ___________________________ Adam Greenberg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Psychology P.O. Box 413 Milwaukee, WI 53201 email: agreenb@uwm.edu<mailto:agreenb@uwm.edu> Tel. (414) 229-1106 Fax (414) 229-5219 http://www.snaplaboratory.com/ Twitter: @SNAPLabUWM ___________________________