Dear colleagues, please find bellow a brief description of an open postdoc position for someone into computational cognitive neuroscience. Application deadline is November 29. Best wishes, Dimitrije Markovic -- The Department of Psychology at the TU Dresden (PI: Stefan Kiebel) is looking for a postdoc. The position is for 3,5 years. The candidate will be working on computational models in cognitive control and decision making. Detailed information about the position can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/whabxhv The position in the group of Stefan Kiebel<https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/ifap/ni?set_language=de> is associated with the DFG-funded CRC 940 'volition and cognitive control' (https://tu-dresden.de/bereichsuebergreifendes/sfb940) and TRR 265 'Losing and Regaining Control over Drug Intake: From Trajectories to Mechanisms to Interventions' (https://sfb-trr265.charite.de/en/). In the CRC 940 projects we're developing models of meta-control, while in the TRR 265 project we're focusing on models of balancing habitual and goal-directed control. The candidate will work as a member of a team of both modellers and experimenters (fMRI and EEG). ============================= Dr. Dimitrije Markovic Post-Doc at Technische Universität Dresden, Department of Psychology, Dresden, Germany Lab website: https://tu-dresden.de/mn/psychologie/ifap/ni Phone: +49-351-463-43146 Personal website: http://dimarkov.github.io/ =============================