CFP: Special issue on “*Information Processing in Neuronal Circuits and Systems*” Dear colleagues, Together with Claudio Mirasso we are organizing a special issue in the journal “Biology” on the topic “*Information Processing in Neuronal Circuits and Systems*”. We would like to invite you to contribute your research to this special issue. For more information please visit the website https://www.mdpi.com/journal/biology/special_issues/neuronalcircuits Submission deadline: *7 May, 2021*. *Special Issue Information* The question of how the brain integrates the multiplicity of local processes dispersed throughout its entire anatomy is a fundamental question in neuroscience. Such integration is mediated by information exchange between brain areas, and other parts of the nervous system, through routes that can change rapidly to provide a flexible effective connectivity despite the rigidity of the anatomical connections. The flexibility of the information routing and effective connectivity are consequences of the multi-stability of the collective dynamics of the neuronal networks. In other words, a single structural connection can support plenty of degenerate dynamic states for each of which a special pattern of information transfer between the nodes can take place. Collective neuronal oscillations are hypothesized to provide such a basis for the dynamic communication between brain regions. In this Special Issue, the notion of information transfer and routing in neuronal circuits and systems will be addressed with a focus on shedding light on the mechanisms that regulate information transmission in the brain and in the nervous system in general. Please contact us in case you need more information about this special issue. Best, Alireza Valizadeh Topic editors: Claudio R. Mirasso, Universitat Illes Balears, Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos, Spain (claudio@ifisc.uib-csic.es) Alireza Valizadeh, Institute for advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, Iran ( valizade@iasbs.ac.ir) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alireza Valizadeh Associate professor Neurophysics lab, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS) School of cognitive sciences, Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM) Zanjan, Iran Tel:(+98) 24 3315 2120 Fax:(+98) 24 3315 2104 valizade@iasbs.ac.ir Web: http://www.iasbs.ac.ir/~valizade/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------