One predoctoctoral position is available at Fundación CIEN (Centre for Research in Neurodegenarative Diseases) in Madrid, Spain ( https://www.fundacioncien.es/). PILEP +90 “Longevity research program Spain-Portugal +90 (PILEP+90)”. PILEP +90 is an International Research Project including the University of Braga (Portugal), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark) and Fundación CIEN (Madrid, Spain). The candidate will work in the PILEP +90 project "Application of machine learning to study factors of healthy and pathological aging”, led by Jaime Gómez-Ramírez at Fundación CIEN. The researcher will be affiliated with Big Data Research & Brain Analytics Unit, Area of NeuroImaging at Fundación CIEN. The goal of this project is to use state-of-the-art machine learning to understand human brain aging. In particular, the project will study healthy subjects 90 years or older. For this purpose, the project lead will have access to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), lifestyle, cognitive performance and genetic data of the participants in the study. Fundación CIEN is home to a multidisciplinary community of scientists in neuroscience, with special focus on aging, both healthy and pathological. The researcher will have access to a large MRI dataset collected in the last 8 years and will collaborate with the international partners in the project. Qualifications: Candidates should have university degree in a relevant field (e.g, or computer science, physics, engineering, psychology or mathematics) by the start date. The candidate should have experience in computer programming (Python, Matlab, C) and statistical data analysis. The ideal candidate will have a publication record that includes computational modeling and empirical data analysis and will be interested to apply or be enrolled in a PhD program. The appointment is for one year, the salary is 23.400 euros gross before taxes. The contract includes contributions to the Spanish social Security system, which covers for illness, injuries and accidents at work, unemployment, maternity and paternity leave. The selection process is open for candidates that already have the legal right to work in the EU. We especially encourage applications from women and members of minorities that are underrepresented in science. The position is available immediately. The deadline to apply is the 25th of June 2019. Applicants are invited to submit their applications at https://ciberned.cientifis.com/Publica/Convocatorias/Solicitantes/Solicitant... . Applicants are requested to send in CV, degree certificate, cover letter (including a brief summary of previous research accomplishments and future plans) with two to three referee names. Applicants may contact Dr. Gomez-Ramirez directly (email: jgomez@fundacioncien.es) for further information. More information about the project can be found at https://cenie.eu/en/blogs/pilep90/application-data-mining-techniques-identif... Jaime Gomez-Ramirez, PhD Big Data Research & Brain Analytics Unit, Area of NeuroImaging Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases Fundación Reina Sofia Valderrebollo, 5 Madrid, Spain