Dear Colleagues, We are seeking a PostDoc with a quantitative background who has finished (or about to finish) a doctoral degree in a quantitative field preferably but not limited to physics. The candidate should show enthusiasm for tackling theoretical foundations of behavior. The PostDoc will join our interdisciplinary and international team studying social foraging in animal groups. The researcher will be based in the integrative biophysics group at the University of Konstanz and Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, located in Konstanz, Germany. The integrative biophysics group led by Dr. Ahmed Elhady is focused on theoretical and computational understanding of mechanisms underlying foraging. The group has an extensive network of local and international collaborators. Through those collaborations, the PostDoc researcher will have access to a large number of data sets depicting foraging behaviors in locusts, rodents, non-human primates (marmosets) and human performing similar social foraging tasks. The PostDoc project can potentially address the following questions: 1. What are the quantitative foraging decision strategies employed by a particular animal species during social foraging? 2. How does those decision strategies compare across animal species in a quantitative evolutionary manner? 3. How did evolutionary processes quantitatively shape foraging behaviours? 4. How can one extend social foraging theory to account for different group size and different spatial environmental constraints? For a glimpse of our research work , please check this talk given by the group leader Ahmed Elhady : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRNnsgka0d0 For questions about the position and / or research of the integrative biophysics group, please do not hesitate to contact me via email : ahmed.el-hady@uni-konstanz.de The postdoc position will be embedded within the highly collaborative environment of the cluster for advanced study of collective behavior at the University of Konstanz. The expected starting date is 01/12/2023 and deadline for application is 15/09/2023. For more information and application , please visit the website :https://stellen.uni-konstanz.de/jobposting/4418ec7f80f7b2371d7a0e963fab434a5... All the best regards, Ahmed Dr. Ahmed Elhady Group leader Integrative biophysics group Cluster for Advanced Study of Collective Behavior Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior Universitätsstraße 10, 78464 Konstanz Room ZT 907 Postbox 687 Tel.: +49 7531 88-4742