Dear CNS-2019 attendees, Our workshop (*W9*) on "*Neural Multiplexed Coding*" will be held at CNS 2019 (Barcelona), on July 17th. Our workshop hosts 6 prestigious speakers (see our website: https://sites.google.com/view/cns-workshop-on-neural-mux/home), presenting their recent researches in 30-45 minutes, as well as a few number of intensive talks, each lasting 10-15 minutes. This is a new schedule for our workshop that we want to try, i.e., a workshop comprising larger talks (30-45 mins) + short intensive talks (10-15 mins). As the intensive talks are short, we would like to invite more speakers. So, any scientist (preference is given to Postdoc) that participates in CNS 2019 and is interested in our workshop can send me his/her request and the title of the presentation. Email: milad.lankarany@uhnresearch.ca or milad.lankarany@gmail.com Best Regards, Milad Lankarany, Ph.D. <https://sites.google.com/view/lnsbsp/home?authuser=0>