Dear colleagues, Two doctoral positions are available at the Biological Neurocomputation Group, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. The research will focus on novel experimental protocols in neuroscience assessing closed-loop information processing. We seek two highly motivated PhD students with a Master's degree at the time of the formalization of the contracts in one of the following (or related) disciplines: computer science, biology, physics, engineering, prosthetics, etc. The first position is available starting October 1st 2016. This position is focused to develop real-time software for neural close-loop interactions. Advanced programming skills are required for this position. Prior experience in real-time software programming will be valuable. Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research is required. The second position has a mixed experimental and modeling focus and is available starting January 1st 2017. Prior experience in the fields of /in vitro/ electrophysiological recordings, dynamic clamp, EEG, neuroimaging, or computational neuroscience will be valuable. Enthusiasm for interdisciplinary research is required. How to apply: The application deadline for the two positions is September, 15h 2016. Interested candidates, please send CV and two reference letters (including contact information) to gnbuam@gmail.com http://www.ii.uam.es/~pvarona http://www.ii.uam.es/~gnb