Prof. Sen Cheng, Institute for Neuroinformatics at Ruhr University Bochum, invites applications for a full-time position of *Postdoctoral Scholar (TV-L E13) in Computational Neuroscience. *The position starts on 1st July 2019 and is funded for *3 years*. This project is part of the newly established DFG research unit 2812 “Constructing Scenarios of the Past: A New Framework in Episodic Memory” at the Ruhr University Bochum and the Westfälische Wilhelms University Münster. The research unit will study the cognitive and neuronal mechanisms underlying the constructed scenarios that make up episodic memory. It will employ and combine approaches from Philosophy, Psychology as well as Experimental and Computational Neuroscience. Further information about the project can be found at www.rub.de/cns <http://www.rub.de/cns>. *Job description* The successful candidate will model the function of episodic memory in inference and prediction using abstract computational models. This project strives to find answers to the questions: * Why are specific experiences stored in episodic memory helpful for predicting the future? * Why can general, or semantic, information not serve the same purpose? *Your Profile: * Candidates should hold a PhD in neuroscience, physics, mathematics, engineering, or a related field. Competence in mathematical modeling or machine learning, and excellent programming skills are mandatory. In addition, relevant research experience in neuroscience or a related field is required. Experience in the study of episodic memory and in working within a collaborative research group would be a further asset. Candidates should have excellent communication skills in English and the ability to work well in a team. The Ruhr University Bochum is home to a vibrant research community in neuroscienceand cognitive science. The Institute for Neural Computation is an independent research unit and combines different areas of expertise ranging from experimental and theoretical neuroscienceto machine learning androbotics. For further information see www.rub.de/cns <http://www.rub.de/cns>. Please send your application, including CV, transcripts and research statement electronically, as a single PDF file, to samarasinghe@ini.rub.de <mailto:samarasinghe@ini.rub.de>. In addition, at least two academic references may be sent independently to the above email address. The deadline for applications is 15.03.2019. The Ruhr University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity. We strongly encourage applications from qualified women and persons with disabilities. We are committed to providing a supportive work environment for female researchers, in particular those with young children. Our university provides mentoring and coaching opportunities specifically aimed at women in research. We have a strong research network with female role models and will provide opportunities to meet with them. Wherever possible, events will be scheduled during regular childcare hours. Special childcare will be arranged if events have to be scheduled outside of regular hours, in case of sickness and during school or daycare closures. Where childcare is not an option parents will be offered a home office solution. Contact person: Vinita Samarasinghe -- Vinita Samarasinghe M.Sc., M.A. Science Manager Arbeitsgruppe Computational Neuroscience Institut für Neuroinformatik Ruhr-Universität Bochum, NB 3/26 Universitätstr. 150 D-44801 Bochum Tel: +49 (0)234 32 27316 Email: samarasinghe@ini.rub.de Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-11