Dear all, The Computational Neuroscience Group at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica in Barcelona, Spain is looking for applicants for a two-year postdoctoral position in the framework of the Collaborative Research Program funded by the Caixa Foundation, to foster collaboration between theory and experiment. Project Description: This project involves data analysis from animal experiments, computational modeling and translation of the results to a clinical setting. The candidate will study how cortical, brain stem and spinal cord circuits interact to drive motor function. This will involve analysis and modeling of high-dimensional data from experiments with stimulating electrodes in the motor cortex and spinal cord, and recording electrodes in forelimb muscles of rats, as well as experiments in which the EMG activity of muscles is recorded while the animal is engaged in a reaching and grasping task. In addition, we are initiating a collaboration with the Guttmann Institute for Neurorehabilitation to translate our results to human patients, in order to find a therapy to recover arm/hand function in patients with high spinal cord injuries. The candidate will work in close collaboration with Alex Roxin at the Group for Computational Neuroscience at the CRM and Guillermo Garcia Alias at the Neuroscience Institute at the UAB. Candiate Profile: We are looking for an enthusiastic and scientifically curious researcher with a strong technical background, ideally in mathematics, physics, engineering or related fields. A background in biology or neuroscience is not required. Application Deadline: October 24th. Decision early November. For more information and to apply go to http://www.crm.cat/en/Pages/DetallNoticia.aspx?ItemID=112 best regards, Alex