Workshop and lecture series on "Cognitive neuroscience of auditory and cross-modal perception" 26 - 30 May 2014 (Lectures 26 - 28 May, Consultations 29 - 30 May) Web: http://pcl.upjs.sk/Workshop2014/ Venue: Institute of Computer Science Faculty of Science, P. J. Safarik University Jesenna 5, 040 11 Kosice, Slovakia Organizers: doc. Norbert Kopco, PhD. (norbert.kopco@upjs.sk) - scientific program Beata Tomoriova, PhD. (beata.tomoriova@upjs.sk) - technical Perception and Cognition Lab Contact: kogneuro@gmail.com Objectives: This workshop and lecture series will include introductory lectures and advanced research talks on a range of topics related to the neural processes of auditory, visual and cross-modal perception. The talks will illustrate multidisciplinary character of cognitive neuroscience research, covering behavioral, neuroimaging, and modeling approaches, as well as applications of the research in auditory prosthetic devices. The workshop is aimed at early-stage and advanced students and young researchers, and it will provide ample opportunities for direct interactions between the lecturers and the attendees. Themes: spatial hearing vision and crossmodal perception neural modeling methods in cognitive neuroscience: behavioral experiments, imaging (EEG, fMRI), modeling applications: cochlear implants, hearing aids Format of lectures on 26 - 28 May: 14 one-hour lectures by experts on individual topics (2 lectures per expert) student / attendee session with short 10-min presentations and/or posters by the students small modeling / data analysis assignments prepared by the experts for the students Some of the lecturers will be available for individual consultations by appointment following the lectures on 29 - 30 May 2014 Program: TBA Speakers (and tentative topics): Simon Carlile (University of Sydney) Six degrees of spatial separation - The portal for auditory perception (abstract) The plastic ear: Perceptual relearning and auditory spatial perception (abstract) Pierre Divenyi (Stanford University) Cocktail-party effect deficit in aging: what formant transition processing tells us Phonemic restoration: done by our brain or our tongue? Frederick (Erick) Gallun (US Dept. of Veterans Affairs and Oregon Health & Science University) Impacts of age and hearing loss on spatial release from masking (abstract) Characterizing attentional resources using the auditory dual-task (abstract) Bernhard Laback (Austrian Academy of Sciences) Binaural cues in electric hearing Spectral localization cues in acoustic and electric hearing Aaron Seitz (University of California, Riverside) Cognitive Neuroscience of Perceptual Learning: Specificity and Transfer Cognitive Neuroscience of Perceptual Learning: Mechanisms Guiding Learning Christopher Stecker (Vanderbilt University) Integration of spatial information across multiple cues Neuroimaging of spatial hearing Arash Yazdanbakhsh (Boston University) Neural and computational models of vision: Fundamental problems of vision (abstract) Neural and computational models of vision: Neural models and their implementation in early vision (abstract) Registration: The workshop is open to all interested students/scientists. Registration is free of charge but required (mostly for organizational reasons). In order to register, please send an email to kogneuro@gmail.com stating your name and affiliation, dates on which you are planning to attend. In case you would like to have a presentation please send us an abstract (up to 200 words) and an indication whether you prefer poster or oral presentation no later than May 19. Travel, accommodation, visitor information: Attendants are kindly requested to make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Travel:The Kosice Airport is served by Austrian Airlines and Czech Airlines (via Vienna, Prague, Bratislava) and by low-cost airline Wizzair (London Luton Airport). Alternatively you can fly to Budapest and take a 3.5-hr shuttle bus to Kosice (for example, using the cassoviaexpres shuttle company which also offers shuttle bus from the Krakow airport). More information about how to get to Kosice (also by train or bus) can be found here. Accomodation:There are several hotels close to workshop venue, for example Hotel Yasmin, Hotel Maraton (for more hotel options please see http://www.booking.com, http://www.hotels.com, for hostels see: http://www.hostels.com, http://www.hostelworld.com) Visitor information: Kosice was one of the European Capitals of Culture in 2013, for current events see http://www.visitkosice.eu/ , http://www.mickosice.sk/, http://slovakia.travel/ , or http://www.slovakia.com/ Funding: This workshop / lecture series is organized within the Project implementation: SOFOS – knowledge and skill development of the academic staff and students at the University of Pavol Jozef Safarik in Kosice with emphasis on interdisciplinary competencies and integration into international research centres, ITMS: 26110230088, supported by the Research & Development Operational Programme funded by the ESF. -- doc. Norbert Kopco, Ph.D. Inst of Computer Sci, Faculty of Science, Safarik Univ, Kosice, Slovakia Visiting Scholar: Ctr for Computational Neurosci (CompNet), Boston Uni & Martinos Ctr for Biomed Imaging, Harvard Med School - Mass Gen Hospital Phone: +1 (617) 575 9556 Fax: +1 (484) 727 9884 Email: kopco@bu.edu Web: http://cns.bu.edu/~kopco