Dear colleagues, June 27-July 1 2016 will see the third Model-Based Neuroscience Summer School, hosted at the University of Amsterdam. The summer school will provide students with hands-on experience in both cognitive modeling using diffusion and accumulator models and simple neuroscience methods. The program includes a series of lectures on model-based decision neuroscience in both humans and non-human primates from experts including Michael Shadlen, Gordon Logan, Andrew Heathcote, Uta Noppeney, Brandon Turner, Jane Neumann, and Birte Forstmann. *The summer school is aimed at PhD students and early postdocs who wish to combine cognitive modeling with experimental and theoretical neuroscience research. Students should be familiar with general programming concepts and state in their application which programming languages and software packages they typically use. * The summer school will be co-located at the University of Amsterdam with a one-day symposium on model-based neuroscience of mind wandering, to be held on July 2 2016. The symposium will involve a series of lectures from experts in the scientific study of mind wandering with a focus on model-based neuroscience approaches. The symposium will provide a unique opportunity to see how the concepts introduced in the summer school can provide insight on an important research topic. *Application and registration:* The registration fee for the summer school is 500 euro. The registration fee for combined attendance at the summer school and the one-day mind wandering symposium is 600 euro. We ask that students make their own housing arrangements. Space is limited, therefore we ask that you provide a statement of interest. We will select students based on the relevance of the summer school to their research. The application deadline is 22 April 2016. More information about the summer school including teachers, preliminary program and application can be found atwww.modelbasedneuroscience.com We look forward to welcoming you in Amsterdam! Organization: Jane Neumann, University Medical Center Leipzig and MPI for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Leendert van Maanen, University of Amsterdam Birte Forstmann, University of Amsterdam Guy Hawkins, University of Amsterdam Andrew Heathcote, University of Tasmania