Dear moderator, would you be so kind to post the job offer below on the mailing list? Thank you very much! Best regards Klaus Obermayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research Assistant (PhD position) Neural Information Processing Group Technische Universität Berlin Berlin, Germany Computational models of task dependent object-based visual attention Salary level: TV-L 13 (100%) Duration: 3 years Starting date: October 1st, 2019 Application deadline: February 15th, 2019 Working field The successful candidate will explore the hypothesis that object-level attentional units are essential mid-level factors which guide human eye-movements in visual scene analysis. Based on eye-fixation data from visual search tasks she/he will first build computational models to emulate the measured fixation sequences, to quantify the influence of different low- and high-level visual features, and to characterize the influence of task-driven changes in object-based attention processes. In a second step, plausible models will be integrated as "attentional modules" into a computer vision system for visual scene analysis and will be evaluated in terms of task success and the number of computations involved. Potential achievement of the project is an efficient real-time analysis of dynamic visual scenes. The position is part of the new DFG-funded cross-disciplinary research Cluster "Science of Intelligence" (http://www.scienceofintelligence.de/). The successful candidate will be enrolled in the Cluster's doctoral program and is expected to actively engage in the Cluster's educational and research activities. Qualifications Applicants must hold a Master degree in Computational Neuroscience, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics, or related fields. Applicants should have very good programming skills, a very good command of the English language, a solid mathematical background, competence in machine learning, and a strong interest in visual perception. How to apply: Please upload your application via the link www.scienceofintelligence.de/call-for-applications/open-positions/doctoral-project-computational-models-of-task-dependent-object-based-visual-attention/) and follow instructions. Applications should include: motivation letter, curriculum vitae, transcripts of records (for both BSc and MSc), copies of degree certificates (BSc, MSc), abstracts of Bachelor-, Master-thesis, list of publications and one selected manuscript (if applicable), two names of qualified persons who are willing to provide references, and any documents you feel may help us assess your competence.