Dear colleagues, I have made this playlist "A quick introduction to what is known about biological vision experimentally" of 15 short video clips, each about 10 minutes long, see http://lizhaoping.org/zhaoping/QuickIntro_BiologicalVision_Playlist.html <https://t.co/Tfpa7epGAE> this is part of my effort for teaching materials for "Understanding vision: theory, models, and data" <http://www.lizhaoping.org/zhaoping/VideoLectures_ForBook.html>. Feedback most welcome, thank you! best Li Zhaoping -- Li Zhaoping, Ph.D. Prof. of Cognitive Science, University of Tuebingen Head of Department of Sensory and Sensorimotor Systems, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Author of "Understanding vision: theory, models, and data", Oxford University Press, 2014 www.lizhaoping.org