(Posted on behalf of Prof. Shin Ishii, Kyoto University, Japan) *Call for a postdoctoral researcher* A postdoc position is available in image processing, machine learning, and neuroscience. The objective of the new multi-year project is to understand the neural basis of behavior changes in humans/animals. We shall tackle the AI-based image processing technology for capturing body movements and characterizing possible changes in behaviors. We may also develop methods of analyzing neuronal co-activation from large-scale Ca imaging data or capturing brain waves from multichannel ECoG data. We are looking for a young researcher interested in working on one or some of these topics. The contract is yearly-basis and renewable *until March 31, 2027*. Workplace: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan A successful applicant should have a Ph.D. in computational neuroscience, machine learning, physics, applied mathematics, or engineering, but not limited to these. The applicant should demonstrate research experiences with a strong publication record. Programming skills in Python or willingness to learn it, will be valued. To apply, please send a CV with a publication list, a statement of research interests (maximum two pages), and contact information of one or two reference(s) to ishii-sec@sys.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp. Either English or Japanese is accepted. The starting date is flexible, while earlier arrival is appreciated. The salary and title follow the university rule and depend on the record/expertise of an appointed researcher. Please feel free to send me any informal questions regarding this post. Sincerely, Shin Ishii, Ph.D. Professor with Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Director with Advanced Telecommunication Research Institute International (ATR), Kyoto, Japan Email: ishii-sec@sys.i.kyoto-u.ac.jp Webpage: https://ishiilab.jp