A post-doctoral position is open in computational neurosciences at the Neurobiology of Executive Function lab at the Stem Brain Research Institute in Lyon (https://www.sbri.fr/).The research project aims to understand the neural mechanisms of learning during decision making. The project includes the development of a biophysical model of neuronal networks and neural mass models [1] for decision making and adaptive behaviour. The model will be developed in synergy with data analyses of monkeys electrophysiology data during task performances [2]. The successful candidate will be part of a team with experts in computational/theoretical neurosciences and will benefit from the availability of state of the art recordings at SBRI [2] and, more in general, of the rich neuroscience environment in Lyon. We welcome applicants with diverse scientific backgrounds, including, neuroscience, mathematics, physics, and engineering. We are especially interested in applicants with good programming skills (e.g. Python, C++). If interested, please take contact with Matteo di Volo: matteo.divolo@univ.lyon1.fr<mailto:matteo.divolo@univ.lyon1.fr> -- Matteo di Volo Junior Professor Lyon 1 University Stem and Brain Research Institute INSERM https://sbri.fr/public-profile/124/single-member/