Announcing a new course: Computational Approaches to Memory and Plasticity (CAMP @ Bangalore)<http://www.ncbs.res.in/camp> . Venue: National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India<http://www.ncbs.res.in/> Dates: 28th June to 12th July, 2014 Organizer: Upinder Bhalla (NCBS, Bangalore, India)<http://www.ncbs.res.in/bhalla> CAMP @ Bangalore is a 15-day summer school on the theory and simulation of learning, memory and plasticity in the brain. PhD students and post-docs from theoretical and/or experimental backgrounds (physics, math, neuroscience, engineering, etc.) are welcome. Familiarity with programming, dynamical systems, and/or computational neuroscience is highly desirable. Master's or Bachelor's degree students can apply if they have sufficient background. The course will start with remedial tutorials on neuroscience / math / programming and then work upwards from sub-cellular electrical and chemical signaling in neurons, onward to micro-circuits and networks, all with an emphasis on learning, memory and plasticity. Students worldwide are encouraged to apply online at www.ncbs.res.in/camp latest by 30th Mar, 2014. A poster for the school can be downloaded at the course website<http://www.ncbs.res.in/camp>. Please circulate the information widely. Lecturers: Sumantra Chattarji (NCBS, Bangalore) <http://www.ncbs.res.in/shona> Xiao-Jing Wang (New York University, New York)<http://www.cns.nyu.edu/wanglab/> Suhita Nadkarni (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune)<http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/~suhita/Suhita/Home.html> Michael Hausser (University College, London)<http://www.ucl.ac.uk/WIBR/research/neuro/mh/index.htm> Eve Marder (Brandeis University, Waltham/Boston)<http://blogs.brandeis.edu/marderlab/> Rishikesh Narayanan (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore)<http://mbu.iisc.ernet.in/~rngrp/> Arthur Wingfield (Brandeis University, Waltham/Boston)<http://www.bio.brandeis.edu/faculty/wingfield.html> Claudia Clopath (Imperial College, London)<http://www.bg.ic.ac.uk/research/c.clopath/> Arvind Kumar (Bernstein Center, Freiburg)<http://www.bcf.uni-freiburg.de/people/details/kumar> Stefano Fusi (Columbia University, New York)<http://neurotheory.columbia.edu/stefano.html> Raghav Rajan (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune)<http://www.iiserpune.ac.in/~raghav/> For more information, email camp2014@ncbs.res.in Best Regards, Aditya. ---- Aditya Gilra, Prof Upinder S Bhalla's lab, National Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, GKVK, Bellary Road, Bangalore - 560065, India. Ph: 91-80-23666507.