[Apologies, if you receive multiple copies due to cross posting] *CALL FOR PAPERS* *IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Software Defined Radio Access Networks and Context-aware Cognitive Networks 2015 (IEEE SDRANCAN-2015)* in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, San Diego, CA, USA, Dec 6 - 10, 2015. URL: http://ieee-sdrancan-2015.cwins.org/ *OVERVIEW* Future generation wireless systems will require a paradigm shift in how they are networked, organized, configured, optimized, and recovered automatically based on their operating situations. With the emergence of Software Defined Access Networks and Context-Aware Cognitive Networks (SDRANCAN), wireless users could get seamless wireless connectivity and services regardless of the frequency bands that they are using as a backhaul. Context-Aware cognitive networks provides dynamic adaptive services and applications for wireless users through automatic configuration of devices and their parameters, systems, and services based on the users? contexts. We believe that this workshop is important for future wireless networks and will help to bridge the gap between traditional wireless networks and future wireless networks through both software defined access networks and context-aware cognitive networks. SDRANCAN-2015 will serve as a forum for researchers from academia, government and industries to exchange ideas, present new results and provide future visions on these topics. Original technical papers on the advances in Software Defined Access Networks and Context-Aware Cognitive Networks as well as those that describe practical deployment and implementation experiences are solicited for presentation and publication. *TOPICS OF INTEREST* Topics of interest include but not limited to: Fundamental limits Network architecture Wireless virtualization Network virtualization Software defined networks Cloud-based and/or wired infrastructure Cognitive vehicular ad hoc networks Network visualization Secrecy capacity and rate-equivocation of wireless channels. Admission control in heterogeneous networks Security and Network coding Storage and processing Quality-of-service Smart protocols Case studies and testbeds Cognitive and context aware cyber physical systems Mobile and vehicular networks Data dissemination techniques in context-aware systems Trust, security and privacy issues Socio-economic models Self-organization, Self-configuration, Self-optimization and Self recovery Biological-inspired networking Parameter estimation for adaptation of wireless communication systems Network economics and game theory Interference mitigation and awareness OpenFlow Networking Cognitive networks The workshop accepts only novel, previously unpublished papers. All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (10-point font) including figures without incurring additional page charges (maximum 1 additional page with over-length page charge if accepted) http://globecom2015.ieee-globecom.org/authors *- General Chairs -* Jaime Lloret Mauri, Polytechnic Univ. of Valencia, Spain Danda B. Rawat, Georgia Southern University, USA *- Publicity Chair -* Sandra Sendra, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia *- Technical Program Committee -* Venkatesan Ekambaram, Qualcomm, USA Bhed B. Bista, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan Sachin Shetty, Tennessee State University, USA Gongjun Yan, University of Southern Indiana, USA Sabu M. Thampi, IIITM-K, India Rajesh K. Sharma, Ilmenau Univ. of Technology, Germany ChunSheng Xin, Old Dominion University, USA Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, IIUM, Malaysia Chandra Bajracharya, Georgia Southern University, USA Javier Aguiar, University of Valladolid, Spain Carlos Baladron, University of Valladolid, Spain Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor, Univ. Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia Sandra Sendra, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain Joel Rodrigues, University of Beira Interior, Portugal =================================================== ===================================================