Dear colleagues, I hope this email finds you well. My institute at the University Medical Center Goettingen, Germany, the Institute for Neuro- and Sensory Physiology, currently has an announcement for a W2 professorship position in the field of computational modeling of synaptic physiology. Our institute produces substantial quantitative data on synapses, from fluorescence imaging to biochemistry, mass spectrometry and electron microscopy (see for example Wilhelm et al., Science, 2014). We are looking for an investigator with substantial expertise in computational aspects, who would benefit from these data, and would be able to use them for important studies. This professorship will be integrated in an excellent neuroscience campus, and will benefit strongly from our collaborative research center CRC/SFB 1286, dedicated to Quantitative Synaptology (composed of more than 20 collaborating laboratories, from many excellent institutions). Our announcement can be found at: <https://jobs.zeit.de/jobs/universitaetsprofessur-w2-modellierung-synaptischer-physiologie-universitaetsmedizin-goettingen-umg-goettingen-1028223>https://www.academics.com/jobs/university-professorship-w2-modeling-synaptic-physiology-university-medical-center-goettingen-umg-goettingen-1028222 It would be great if you could also send this announcement to colleagues in your department, who may be interested in applying for this position. Best wishes, and thank you in advance, Silvio Rizzoli Prof. Dr. Silvio O. Rizzoli UNIVERSITÄTSMEDIZIN GÖTTINGEN GEORG-AUGUST-UNIVERSITÄT Direktor des Instituts für Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie Zentrum Physiologie und Pathophysiologie Humboldtallee 23, 37073 Göttingen Telefon: 0551-39-5911 FAX: 0551-39–66031 E-Mail: srizzol@gwdg.de Sprecher des Centers Biostructural Imaging of Neurodegeneration (BIN) von-Siebold-Straße 3a, 37075 Göttingen Sprecher des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1286 Quantitative Synaptologie (Collaborative Research Center 1286 Quantitative Synaptology)