*POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS: Rhythmic dynamics of visual perception and attention * Location: Toulouse (France) Starting date: Flexible (2014) Two postdoctoral positions are available to work in collaboration with Rufin VanRullen at the CerCo in Toulouse, France, as part of a recently funded ERC project. The project investigates rhythmic aspects of visual perception, attention and awareness, using a combination of psychophysical, neuro-imaging (EEG, fMRI, TMS) and computational tools. Successful applicants will have prior experience with at least one of the above-mentioned experimental techniques, and a demonstrated interest in vision and/or attention; some programming experience is also desirable. More information about research in the lab can be found at http://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/~rufin/ <http://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/%7Erufin/>. French language is not a requirement but a willingness to learn would be beneficial. Net salary ranges between 1,850 Euros and 2,350 Euros per month, commensurate with experience. The initial appointment is one year, and can easily be renewed for up to two more years. Additional information about the research environment in Toulouse can be viewed at http://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/fr_vers/cerco_eng/ Applications should be sent to Rufin VanRullen (rufin-lab@cerco.ups-tlse.fr <mailto:rufin-lab@cerco.ups-tlse.fr>), and should include a detailed CV including publication list, a brief statement about research interests, and the names of 2 references. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. Informal inquiries can also be made at any time to the same email address. Rufin VanRullen. Centre de Recherche Cerveau et Cognition, CNRS UMR 5549, Pavillon Baudot, Hopital Purpan, 31052 Toulouse Cedex, France. http://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/~rufin/ <http://www.cerco.ups-tlse.fr/%7Erufin/>