Workshop: Living systems, from interaction patterns to critical behavior Venezia, San Servolo Island 16-19 September 2015 http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/SanServolo/index.html <http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/SanServolo/index.html> *** DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: June 15, 2015 **** Recent availability of large volumes of ecological and biological data spanning a wide range of scales, made it evident that, despite their diversity, living systems are characterized by patterns/regularities repeated from microscopic to global scales. This workshop aims to explore how these recurrent phenomena emerge as the result of concerted interactions among their constituent elements (e.g. species, or genes), using a combination of approaches inspired by statistical mechanics, network analysis and the theory of complex systems. The aim of the workshop is to introduce students and young researchers with strong background in quantitative sciences to methods and ideas used to describe such complex systems. The range of topics covered at the workshop is very broad, ranging from genomics to ecology, with the ultimate goal of identifying similarities and differences of complex biological systems operating at different scales. Fee* 150 euro. (*) We will grants 3 fee waivers to support the attendance of PhD students and Junior Post Doctoral researchers (no more than two years from their PhD completion). Prospective participants who are eligible should accompany send an email to the Organizing Committee (LIPh.unipd@gmail.com <mailto:LIPh.unipd@gmail.com>) requiring the fee waiver, providing the CV and a motivation letter. The acceptance will be notified together with the admission to the school. LECTURERS Sergey Maslov Kim Sneppen Antonio Celani Amos Maritan Stefano Allesina Joshua Weitz Speakers (Confirmed) Andrea Rinaldo Jayanth Banavar Henrik Jensen Flavio Seno Paolo De los Rios Achille Giacometti Guido Tiana Marco Cosentino Lagomarsino Sandro Azaele PROGRAM The workshop will present a wide-range of interdisciplinary problems using creative approaches grounded in statistical physics. In particular there will be three main sections: Bio, Bio2Eco (e.g. bacteria) and Eco. In each section it will be given a series of lectures and seminars. Follow update via Twitter: @Liph_lab For details see: http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/SanServolo/index.html <http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/SanServolo/index.html> On September 19 afternoon, we will organise a guided Tour in Venice that will conclude with the Social Dinner. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Antonio Trovato University of Padova http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Trovato2 <http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Antonio_Trovato2> Samir Suweis University of Padova http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/people/Samir/samir.html <http://www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/people/Samir/samir.html> Jacopo Grilli University of Chicago http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jacopo_Grilli <http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jacopo_Grilli> For more information and application: e-mail: liph.unipd@gmail.com <mailto:liph.unipd@gmail.com> Sponsored by the University of Padova, Department of Physics and Astronomy - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Samir Suweis, Ph.D. impactstory.org/SamirSuweis <https://impactstory.org/SamirSuweis> @SamirSuweis Post-Doc Researcher LIPh Lab, Physics Department, University of Padova Tel: +39 047 827 72 51 www.pd.infn.it/~maritan/people/Samir/samir.htm