Postdoc position, PhD position and further opportunities in the group “Neural network dynamics and computation” (Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer) The “Neural network dynamics and computation” group of Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer at Bonn University offers a PhD and a postdoctoral researcher position to study the dynamics, function and evolution of earliest nervous systems. Your research may address a variety of modeling topics and include experiments on jellyfish nervous systems. The experiments are planned in collaboration with Heinz Beck (Department of Epileptology) and Gerhard von der Emde (Institute for Zoology). The German research council (DFG) fully funds the positions via a grant of the program “SPP 2205 - Evolutionary Optimization of Neuronal Processing”. First related results of our group are presented in Pallasdies et al., “From single neurons to behavior in the jellyfish Aurelia aurita” Elife 2019. If you are at an earlier career stage, you may want to write your Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis on the topic. Optimal backgrounds of applicants include theoretical and experimental neuroscience, theoretical physics, computer science, mathematics and (quantitative) biology. If you are interested in more information, see our website (www.neuralnetworkdynamicscomputation.de) and/or contact us via email, for example Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer (rm.memmesheimer@uni-bonn.de) or Wilhelm Braun (wbraun@uni-bonn.de). We are looking forward to your application!