Systems Vision Science Summer School & Symposium: Aug. 11-22, 2025 in Tübingen, Germany -------------------------------- Applications are invited for our third edition of Systems Vision Science (SVS) summer school since 2023, designed for everyone interested in gaining a systems level understanding of biological vision. We plan a coherent, graduate-level, syllabus on the integration of experimental data with theory and models, featuring lectures, guided exercises and discussion sessions. The summer school will end with a Systems Vision Science symposium on frontier topics on August 20-22, with additional invited and contributed presentations and posters. Call for contributions and participations to the symposium will be sent out spring of 2025. All summer school participants are invited to attend, and welcome to submit contributions to the symposium. -------------------------------- Invited lecturers and speakers include: Marco Bertamini, David Brainard, Peter Dayan, Andrea van Doorn, Roland Fleming, Pascal Fries, Robbe Goris, Sheng He, Tadashi Isa, Tomas Knapen, Jan Koenderink, Keith May, Laurence Maloney, Jonathan Victor, Li Zhaoping. -------------------------------- Please find the application procedure here https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/application <https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org/application/> and apply by March 31, 2025. Check out our webpage https://summerschool.lizhaoping.org to find more out about the program, our invited lecturers/speakers, and other details. Please direct inquiries to svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de <mailto:svs.summerschool@tue.mpg.de> -------------------------------- Organizing team: Li Zhaoping Maria Pavlovic Junhao Liang Vladislav Aksiotis Ali Gholamzadeh Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics University of Tuebingen <http://www.lizhaoping.org> www.lizhaoping.org