Organization for Computational Neurosciences 2885 Sanford Ave SW #15359 Grandville, MI 49418 USA* Meeting Update* *29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2020)* Melbourne, Australia July 18--22, 2020 https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2020-quick In response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation in many countries, the previously announced deadlines are extended as follows: *Deadline for submission of abstracts*, in case *oral presentation or travel award* is requested: *April 29* *Deadline for submission of abstracts*, in case *poster presentation* is requested: *May 6* *Deadline for travel award applications* (main meeting): *April 29* Expected date of notification of abstract acceptance: May 13 Expected date of notification of oral presentation: May 27 Expected date of notification of travel award: May 27 *An update on the expected size of the meeting*: As of March 12, we have received 170 registrations for CNS*2020. This indicates a meeting with approximately *300 participants*, going by the registration patterns from previous years. We consider it likely that the final number of participants will exceed this estimate, provided the current travel uncertainties resolve. We understand that this is a fluid situation and will continue to update the membership. In case travel bans are not lifted in time for the meeting or in time for visas to be approved, OCNS will provide full registration refunds to affected members. For presenters unable to attend CNS*2020 due to a COVID-19 travel ban, we will make every effort to facilitate your remote participation in the meeting. For up-to-date information, please followhttps://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2020-covid-19-updates <http://clicks.memberclicks-mail.net/ls/click?upn=0q9n39ErOfD80mnaMiQultun8IW... 0axtRVdJqvUZGkgRQOBLX2BnhPmSeOG6C7q4-2BV0Mjvqat1L2zEbHqL2bQCkFVeV8R-2BWfPxLV6-2Fi4ZVunUcxz7GFm73nAkl48kyQEYvF18hp2xor0LzSUwCE3W2JBhT5vnEpN-2FFnB9oK7KB6QZOkzQPlNq1uBvFBrKzkpizS4rrCCOqSGTWaIJ4-3D> -- Martin Zapotocky, Ph.D. Institute of Physiology, Czech Academy of Sciences Videnska 1083 14220 Prague 4, Czech Republic URL:www.biomed.cas.cz/~zapotocky Tel: +420-241-062-708 Email:zapotocky@biomed.cas.cz Upozorneni: Neni-li v teto zprave vyslovne uvedeno jinak, ma tato E-mailova zprava nebo jeji prilohy pouze informativni charakter. Tato zprava ani jeji prilohy v zadnem ohledu ustavy AV CR, v.v.i. k nicemu nezavazuji. Text teto zpravy nebo jejich priloh neni navrhem na uzavreni smlouvy, ani prijetim pripadneho navrhu na uzavreni smlouvy, ani jinym pravnim jednanim smerujicim k uzavreni jakekoliv smlouvy a nezaklada predsmluvni odpovednost ustavu AV CR, v.v.i. Disclaimer: If not expressly stated otherwise, this e-mail message (including any attached files) is intended purely for informational purposes and does not represent a binding agreement on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. The text of this message and its attachments cannot be considered as a proposal to conclude a contract, neither the acceptance of a proposal to conclude a contract, nor any other legal act leading to concluding any contract; nor does it create any pre-contractual liability on the part of Institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences.