Two postdoc positions are available in the lab of Jan Clemens at the European Neuroscience Institute Göttingen, Germany. A major focus of the lab is discovering how sensory information is processed and integrated to drive behavior. We combine high-throughput behavioral assays, machine learning (pose tracking), computational modelling, and modern systems neuroscience tools (calcium imaging and optogenetics). The postdocs to be hired will focus on how different sensory modalities are integrated to organize social interactions in fruit flies, with the goal of identifying the neural substrates and computations driving social behavior. We are going to combine a variety of state-of-the-art techniques, including automated behavioral analyses, optogenetics, in-vivo two photon imaging, and computational modelling. The postdocs will have the opportunity to learn experimental and computational skills in the lab. Your profile: • PhD in neuroscience or biology, physics, engineering, computer science or equivalent. • Experience with at least one of these techniques: calcium imaging, electrophysiology, Drosophila genetics and behavior, computational modelling. • A track record of scientific publications or conference presentations. • Good command of the English language. The position is financed until January 31st, 2025. The envisioned start date is May 2022 but this is flexible. The deadline for applications is February 28th, 2022. Please send your application as a single pdf to Jan Clemens (j.clemens@eni-g.de), including a CV as well as names and contact details of two references. Please make sure to include a short statement of why this project interests you and how you think you could contribute, based on your scientific background. Jan Clemens European Neuroscience Institute Neural Computation and Behavior group Grisebachstr. 5 37077 Göttingen, Germany janclemenslab.org