We are inviting abstracts for the 33rd Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2024), which will be in Natal, Brazil, July 20-24, 2024. The main meeting begins in the evening of Saturday, July 20 and runs through Tuesday, July 23. It will be preceded by a day of tutorials (Saturday, July 20) and followed by workshops (Tuesday, July 23 mixed with the main meeting and Wednesday, July 24 workshops only). Registration and abstract submission are open now. Abstract submission deadline: March 11, 2024. Note that one of the authors must register as a sponsoring author for the main meeting before abstract submission. In case the abstract is not accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded. Submitted abstracts are used for creating the program and for publication. Please follow the formatting guidelines on the submission site. Travel awards are available for student and postdoc members of OCNS. Please apply during the abstract submission form and note that an extended abstract is required when applying for a travel award or oral presentation format. Registration: https://ocns.memberclicks.net/cns-2024-registration Abstract submission for main meeting: https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2024-abstract-submission CNS*2024 meeting information: https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2024 Workshop proposals are being accepted at: https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2024-call-for-workshops Tutorial proposals are being accepted at: https://www.cnsorg.org/cns-2024-call-for-tutorials With kind regards, Leonid Rubchinsky OCNS Vice President *********************** Leonid Rubchinsky, PhD Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine 402 N. Blackford St Indianapolis, IN 46202-3216 lrubchin@iu.edu http://www.math.iupui.edu/~lrubchin ***********************