*Postdoc and PhD Student positions to study neural mechanisms of cognition in naturalistic situations* *Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland* *Job Description:* The Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, is excited to announce several upcoming job openings at different levels (postdocs and PhD) to work on the psychophysics and electrophysiology of cognition. These positions are funded by the National Science Center, Poland. We are seeking highly motivated candidates eager to investigate cognition using eye tracking, virtual reality (VR), electrophysiology, psychophysics, and advanced signal processing tools. Interested applicants should contact Marcin Leszczyński to discuss possibilities. *Lab Description:* Successful candidates will join a dynamic research group at the Cognitive Science Center at Jagiellonian University, located in the beautiful city of Kraków. Our lab employs a variety of technologies, including electrophysiology, eye-tracking, VR, and psychophysics, combined with advanced signal processing and machine learning, to study cognition in health and disease. We offer a vibrant international research environment, with English as the working language (no need to speak Polish). We encourage interested candidates to get in touch to discuss the opportunities available. The department provides excellent infrastructure, including supporting staff and state-of-the-art equipment for conducting experiments (e.g., behavioral laboratories, EEG, fMRI, TMS, eye-tracking, and VR setups). Additionally, motivated candidates will have the chance to participate in numerous collaborative projects with partners at Columbia University in New York City, Nathan Kline Institute, and University Hospital in Bonn. *Requirements:* *Postdoc Applicants:* - Must hold, or expect to hold, a doctorate in Psychology, Neuroscience, Computer Science, or related disciplines. - Ideal candidates will have experience designing, performing, analyzing, and disseminating psychophysics studies or experimental studies using eye tracking, VR, EEG, MEG, or LFPs. - Motivated candidates with other relevant experience are also encouraged to apply. - Salary for this position is approximately 9600 PLN per month. *PhD Applicants:* - Should have previous programming experience and a research interest in neuroscience, perception, attention, memory, eye movements, sensory-motor, or multi-sensory interactions. - Previous experience in analyzing psychophysiological signals is an asset. - Ability to work independently and proficiency in English are essential (no need to speak Polish). For further inquiries about the positions, please contact Marcin Leszczyński at marcin.leszczynski@uj.edu.pl. *Application Process:* Interested candidates should send the following: - A cover letter describing research interests and motivation to join our lab (max. 2 pages). - Curriculum vitae. - Contact information for two references. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.