Dear all, On behalf of the* Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology (SINAPSE)*, I would like to present an opportunity for Postdoctoral Researchers. The Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology (SINAPSE) ( www.sinapseinstitute.org) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is looking to hire *two* Postdoctoral Research Associates to enhance their research efforts in *neuromorphic engineering,* *neuromorphic sensing, robotics and prosthetics. * The areas of expertise and experience include: - Integrating multi-modal sensing to improve navigation, manipulation or movement; - Deploying machine learning architectures on robotic/prosthetic devices. - Designing novel mechanisms, for hands and grippers, integrating visual, tactile and haptic sensing; - Implementing bimanual object manipulation algorithms; - Designing spike-based machine learning algorithms. Candidates should have a PhD in engineering, science or related field, have experience in designing complex hardware software systems and developing and applying machine learning architectures for tasks such as object detection (visual/tactile), object tracking and object manipulation. In addition, candidates should have good collaborative and communication skills and be able to work in an interdisciplinary team. We are seeking for creative and imaginative people that are passionate about integrating hardware and software to build biologically inspired systems that perceive, act, and interact with the environment; deploying state-of-the-art machine learning on devices in the real world. We are offering competitive salaries contract and relocation assistance. These are positions without teaching obligations, however applicants with academic aspirations will have the opportunity to supervise undergraduate and graduate students, organize and take part in workshops, and electively get involved in research grants or industry partnerships. To indicate interest, please send a CV to: *Dr. Alcimar Soares* *email: alcimar.soares@gmail.com <alcimar.soares@gmail.com>.* *Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.* *Environment* SINAPSE is a very exciting place to develop high level and novel research. The lab brings together engineers, scientists and clinical researchers with a common goal of making an impact on society, focused on Neurotechnologies for basic science, clinical application and commercialization. Here, you would find an array of advanced technology: microelectronics for building neural interfaces, imaging tools and technologies for studying function and dysfunction of brain, optical methods for manipulating the nervous system, cognitive and computational methods for assessing neural/brain function, robotics for rehabilitation and neuromorphic systems for modeling the nervous system to inspire the next generation of robots and intelligent machines. The National University of Singapore (NUS) is the leading engineering and scientific institution in Asia centered upon education and basic research. Kind regards, *Andrei Nakagawa Silva, MSc* Singapore Institute for Neurotechnology - SINAPSE National University of Singapore - NUS URL: http://www.sinapseinstitute.org Biomedical Engineering Lab Federal University of Uberlandia URL: http://www.biolab.eletrica.ufu.br/en Contact Skype: andrei.nakagawa1 Phone: +65 9397-7263