Professorship in AI at the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences In the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science we have an open position for a permanent W2 professorship in Artificial Intelligence. Application deadline is 7.11.2021 with planned start date for the new appointee on 1.9.2022. The post involves teaching and (applied) research. Willingness to participate in the self-administration of the institution is also expected. The formal and binding announcement of the opening (in German only) can be found at: <> or <> We are in particular looking for a candidate with comprehensive knowledge of and practical experience in at least one of the following areas: - neurocognition - neurorobotics, - deep learning - natural language processing - computer brain interfaces. Note that normally one of the requirements for an appointment is that the candidate has work experience of at least 5 years prior to the appointment, of which at least three shall be outside the (immediate) University sector. For further information, contact the chair person of the appointment committee Prof Andre Gruening, <> -- Prof. Dr. André Grüning -- Mathematik und Künstliche Intelligenz Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik Hochschule Stralsund -- Mathematics and Computational Intelligence Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Stralsund University of Applied Sciences -- 18435 Stralsund Deutschland/Germany